Creating an audio transcript which is correctly formatted for subtitles requires specialist training and software.
The audio transcription must be time-coded with the hours:minutes:seconds:frames for both the time that the subtitle is displayed, and the time it turns off e.g.
00:00:07:00 00:00:08:00 こんにちは!
00:00:08:00 00:00:14:00 Japan Media Serviesへようこそ! 動画や字幕ならJMS!
If you already have an audio transcript, we can use this to reference things like places, product or people’s names etc. to ensure spelling is correct. But it won’t decrease the time involved in time-coding the transcript for subtitle purposes.
Our subtitle transcribers have to edit the transcription, and reduce the word count so that it fits in the available screen area, at a legible size. We will also take into consideration the speed of the subtitles, so that the viewer has time to read them at a natural pace.
If you are confident you can supply the transcription in the format we require, and you just require translation or video editing work, please tell us so that we can factor this in at the quoting stage.